Wednesday 16 December 2015

Evolution is fraud

[The Darwinism Paradigm] 

Evolution, was proved wrong almost hundred years ago but still it has not been removed from our textbooks. 

•lucy was said to be evidence of evolution but was a lie!

•Nebraska man... The pig tooth man, was also hoax! 

•The piltdown man... Found to be a modern human skull, and ape... hoax! 

•melanism in animals or human precise  findings... wrong & inaccurate. (Evolution in action, Michael EN Majerus1998,p116)/(wright S 1978 Evolution & the genetics of population vol4 Variability within & among natural population p186

•homology also proved by some scientist to be unreliable conclusion, scientist often pick & choose features they deem consistent with evolution(M Denton Evolution: A Theory in crisis, 1986 pp 151-153)/ (wells &P. Nelson, homology:A concept in crisis origins & design 18(2),1977 p15)

"Charles Darwin said... I didn't mean to murder God, but i did"

The truth is we must look beyond the physical & scietifical ways to understand this world, the same power, that created this earth, created our very souls, and science can't put that in theory but God did and they hate it. 

"The old scientist knew and respected this, but these new age scientist they're destroying the world with lies"                                                               as much as there's truth in science there's also hoax, lies and deceit and a huge business side, for the scientific world is controlled by rich, evil minds who are exploiting the world.                                                                     

[If we accept Darwin's theory of evolution, then we agree that "We came from nothing" and that means there's no God, no creation account...we are animals." How come the earliest of all people were wise ,smarter(despite having no education)and were taller, healthier and they lived longer  than us?...where is the evolution there? Just because people once lived in caves doesn't mean they were apes or they were short of reasoning capability, but God made them live that way because it was sufficient and necessary for them to thrive "]

Man has began his own philosophy just to prove God wrong. Though even with all the information and cunning ways of discoveries that science has ever come up with since from its beginning up to now, it has been just like scratching the surface, and what they did was to copy the Bible and from realizing the truth they've gone beyond boundaries breaking every barrier to the point that , everything they brought back is just sickness and disasters upon disasters. This has gone bad to the point that this earth is is falling apart within itself...its been put under pressure from every side , the natural is suffocated buy the artificial and this scientists won't stop until they've utterly destroyed everything on this planet. 

"Look at the World today" everything has to take up the word 'Science' and if you dont know you will think its a good thing, Yes everything has a scientific way but this also opens the door for braking rules , look what happens with"GMO" farming, Agriculture, breeding, weather , food industry, pharmaceutical and the list is endless and all this craftiness , money driven solutions has cost us so much , look at the diseases jumping from animals to humans and you think its by chance. Think again because with this science you can do anything , and that is very Evil in every sense.[ through Christ you can do anything] Satan has copied this from God since he is a master of lies and deception , mixing good and bad!

[The Fact is you can't be a Christian and a scientists at the same time. Its like serving two masters, you'll be trying to prove the spiritual by the physical...Yes! Science is good but not everthing about Science is beneficiary to men if later on it will pull them away from God. some of this things are intentionally put there to cause distraction.]

"This is a spiritual warfare " and it all started when Lucifer was cast out of heaven. for the same reasons, men are trying to find the origins of men, though the Holy Bible tells everything, but men choosing to listen to Lucifer they've learned to question God.As much as science is helping us, it is also killing us and leading men away from God, men can never be on the same level as God unless God puts them there, so as to understanding the spiritual while you on the physical, its impossible.

"Charles Darwin said man was ape since then scientist are still faking proofs" For someone to say humans came from ape its an insult to God. God said let us create men in our own image, and the devil is using the very science we trust because men has faith in man. and the same people we call scientist are manipulators they'll come up with something convincing for money and to boost their own egos because they think they can defy God.

The devil chose to use these scientist because he knows that they're the ones who dictate to the world, what to use...especially for health and medical purposes, so we as people rely on these individuals for progress and direction. so basically life on earth depends on science and that's where the devil is more powerful and hands on to deceive the world and mostly little minds, Satan will use every chance to create his soldiers to fight against God.

"Teaching evolution is the devils idea of creating division and confusion, surely the same reason this was intentionally kept on the science textbooks for decades, long after it has been proven evolution is deeply embedded in everyone's mind while they growing up."

God really cares and He provided us a great way of life, even a healthy diet to sustain us. All these can be found in the Holy Bible. Lest we get lost and our children will be taught Evolution and be consumed by the evil spirit that lurks around it.

If you look at this picture and what the bible tells us its clear that someone is behind this great deception, none otherthan the devil himself!
The Bible is very clear on creation and nothing evolved from something but the fact is God created everything and men failing to accept the truth, is trying by all means to come up with answers and if they don't find answers surely they'll fabricate them.

We seen this type of cover-ups many times but for the great men of God who are out there speaking the truth and exposing the devil, it shows that God can not be defied by Satan and His word will stand till the end of time.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Treasures in Jars of Clay [apostle Paul]

Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.
Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.
The (Antichrist)god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God in the face of Christ.

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;
Perplexed, but not in despair;
Persecuted, but not abandoned;
Struck down, but not destroyed.

We always carry around in our bodies the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus sake, so that His life may be revealed in our mortal body.
So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.
It is written : "I believe; therefore I have spoken"
With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak,
because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and will bring us with you in His presence.
All this is for your(our) benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
Therefore we do not lose heart.
Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

2 Corinthians 4

Monday 9 November 2015

Who killed our African Culture?

After (slavery, came a very long time of oppression) we as AFRICANS had one goal which was to succeed the African dream, we all wanted to represent the African identity to the rest of the world!

When we gained freedom it was a new feeling, but for real what freedom did we Get? Because while we were oppressed the world was busy acquainting itself with everything even our own things, by the time we were set free it was like " we were a new born" all was new, we had to be taught from scratch, Whilst we had our own culture and lifestyle , the world looked at us as uncivilized species.

[Though they were saying we're free on their other hand they kept us on a do one justify such act?]

I guess the westerners never liked us, now and then they picked on us, they ridicule our culture, they have implemented their ways and brain washed us.
they made us believe their ways are the only way in life, this of course was carefully ministered deep in our brains until we started to see things in their perspective, and this caused great division within the African culture.

All of a sudden the very education that was suppose to help , made African people to think less of one another, they adopted the western culture because they believe it will make them better and look more educated than their fellow Africans...!
That's when we started developing this habits of looking down to fellow Africans, And this of cause doesn't fit in the context of our African cultural way of life, of which there's equality and unity, everybody is treated like a family member, as just and humble people! [at least it was until the western culture devoured us and now we see our own things as Weird , bad and witchcraft.]

What we really failing to see is the masked and silent poison within the western culture (perfect doesn't mean clean).
A perfect example is the dramatic change in our diet...where did we get that? we use to eat healthy food but from the '60s and '70s things took a turn we adopted a dangerous life style.

We replaced nutrients with calories! And all this is because we were made to believe it is the best, it looked good and taste great! And we were deceived even with the dairy products that everyone thinks are healthy but actually they are NOT,
This is poison and its destroying our society.
We Africans used to pride ourselves with our culture and life style but as years gone by we lost our ways, now Africans don't even recognize who they are , in fact most believe they are white.
Why couldn't we be comfortable in our own things and skins?
Well an answer to that lies in the way we were made to see life and accept that we are the most inferior and we needed guidance and leadership to the greater life .

The WORLD revolves around science and powerful rich people controls the science of how things should be done. And this brings danger on our climate, farms and hygiene...because they use harmful chemicals and genitical modified organisms for more money in the market, but what are people getting in return?, because thousands and thousands don't even know what's making them sick.(MOST AFRICANS ARE IN THE DARK ABOUT THE DANGERS OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE AND THE FOOD INDUSTRY)
The FACT is science is limited and wouldn't give answers to every question that would come-up out there, Science is still a baby in knowing and understanding all life on the planet, Yes they've come up with solutions there and there but that itself took trials and trials and in some cases life has been lost, that itself proves science is limited.

What happens the moment a scientist finds out that what everyone thought was true is actually a lie and they've already spent millions on research and investments...well the answers is simple "Cover-up" because everything is about money.
As far as Africanism is concern we can't reverse these cancer...the Only solution is inside an individual to seek truth and knowledge, as for now where we're looking we won't get anywhere but they'll be more deception.
And we've gone this far we can't go back now, but we can get better through one' s guidance , leadership , wisdom , truth and sincere love...(JESUS CHRIST)

I Believe Africans are best and humble people...fair and loving!
But this world doesn't play fair and it won't start now or will it change anything!
The truth is this world is ruled by the most cruel minds and they won't stop at anything and eventually they'll destroy and consume everyone for their own gain and prosperity.

Thursday 29 October 2015

The ultimate war

As humans living on this planet since life began in the garden of Eden...since then we've always been a target for deception a pawn in the eyes of the serpent or should I say an armour that he always bet on to use against the mighty creator.

But even with the knowledge and prove that is so much evident before our eyes we still fail to see things for what they really are in this planet, we so blinded and stubbornly clinging on the empty promises of this wasting world.

Whilst we been getting on with life thinking everything that is and has been going on around the world is some kind of general life issues and unfortunate events, even at some point we thought some are natural causes, well on this planet there's nothing new under the sun. As we're forced to go to sleep or let our eyes be closed to the only truth...lot has been going on behind our backs and some right on our watch, the truth is all that has been happening, shocking , devastating, painful and amazing as it can be, its all a part of a great plan that was carefully designed long ago to control and manipulate humanity on this planet

The great wars from the past might have seemed to be for power and governance ...yes but for who?,who wants this power so much that he doesn't even care if brothers turn against each other and nations against other nations , some creating great allies , the outbreaks and sudden change of legislation and authority(didn't the Bible Warn us about the first beast and the second beast in revelation13) this is something beyond human control , before we know-it the world would be upside-down and on the hands of this emerging dark force that's been sneaking under everything to seize control, this is not just a puppet skeem but a great order marshaling its troops under ground and successfully winning every ground
No one in this world can stand against 'em but GOD!

What we see now its just the beginning of a great war that will culminate with the churches, it started with the church and it has always been for the Church and it will end with the Church. This is the ultimate war...and the devil is preparing to take against the Church of God!

But what I can say is ; the devil is doing everything it can to win souls and believe me for every amazing thing the devil displays there's much greater from GOD.

What we see now is the devil in sheep skin claiming to represent the true Gospel" what a great way to contest" the devil chose to use every word and the things of God to fight God in that way it creates a better chance for the devil to deceive people, the fact is the Bible tells us that Satan is a master of deception besides he doesn't know any way to fight God but by God's people.

Take a deep look at the protestant country founded for a cause, gained power over the world, mighty with influence...all of a sudden it changes its legislation , its system' s law weaken its policy...its values destroyed how can somebody just do that. Well all is laid bare in Revelation 13 and taking its cause , the papacy law will once again gain its authority for the "one world order".
Which is one governance, one religion and one leader.

All humanity will be forced to worship the beast.

"I say Protestant shall stand in truth and keep the Gospel and the ten commandments until the end"

Monday 21 September 2015

Sunday 20 September 2015

working for God

  what's your excuse !!!
(Paul was just one man)

This days we have the best tools for communication and we have transportation means, and we can reach almost everywhere in the world in no time.

So there's really no excuse, why we can't do enough to reach every person out there who needs to know about the life through Jesus Christ.
Apostle Paul in his days he travelled across the vast ocean, for days,months and years taking the Gospel of God to the masses, preaching and teaching to churches about the life in Christ, but he was just one man. With no excuse but Faith & determination to do God's work , he journeyed the rough seas with a small boat without a compass or a navigator. Even through his difficulties he manage and persevered with his mission.

If we compare Paul's time and our time, I can really say we're full of excuses we have the best means at our disposal but we rely on the next person to do the job, we prefer to sit and listen to the Apostles, Prophets and our Pastors every church service just for the sake of going to Church, but deep in our hearts we're guilty of not doing the work of God. God wants us to reach out as possible as we can, because nothing goes unnoticed in the eyes of the Lord, if we judge the person next to us how about someone from a foreign place.
I believe doing God's job is reaching out to everyone and ministering to everyone equally and that is easily exercised by starting with the person close or next to you. Because in the wholesome life that God provides, its evident that His is not a limited God and anything is possible with His presence.

For as much as I know there's none greater work than preaching, ministering, teaching & evangelising the true Gospel of the Lord, our God and make known the message that Jesus came to fulfill on this world, because its the Word that can propel the heart to have the hunger for God and in that way the Holy Spirit comes in and manifest the Glory of God, for people get lost and think nothing is happening in the house of the Lord and they think the best things are happening out there in the world, this is the reason many people who call themself christians are look warm, they wanna fit in the world while on the other side they claim to be holy. 

This is because we (pastors, apostles, prophets and evangelist) ...are failing to preach the truth, we preach to wards our own likeness, and we've turn the Church into a business that runs with our philosophies & spiritualism. And stand in front of people and say God wants this &God says this...Instead of teaching the law of God according to the Word of God. thats why the devil is buying out Christians to win souls for himself, our bodys are in the Church but our hearts and minds deeply taken by the things of the world. 

the truth is God's gifts are free and permanent but the gifts of the world are treacherous, expensive and passing, the more one holds to them, they turn his/her heart away from God. The devil has created a trap... A life of unpayable debts by manipulating people to think its needed, reasonable, lovely, healthy or fancy and fulfilling. But all this comes at the cost of a soul. 

"remember the devil can't make a single soul... So the only way for him to gain one, is to buy souls with lies and manipulation, deceptive reasoning and strategies with all the wealth in the world"

The truth is God is Rich and every richness in the world comes above, God didn't create all these wealth for the devil to control but its for God's children, for all of us to enjoy and share, but the devil had placed money over everything and with his greed he use all this things to lure people souls and at the end he devours them.

The message here is preaching and teaching the word of God, the more we engage, share and help those who don't understand, to understand about a whole life in Christ, because there's more than going to Church and's Christianity, it's the holy family , it's a Heavenly community and it's Heaven...its eternity.

"It is key to understand the true Word of God so to teach the true Gospel to people not corrupted scriptures that are leading people back to Babylon"


God bless you for reading...please share!

Thursday 10 September 2015

psalm 103

            Praise The Lord Our God

All my soul; all my inmost being,praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord ,O my soul, and forget not all his benefits
Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
Who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.
Who satisfies your desires with good things,so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.
He made known His ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel:
The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.
He will not always accuse, nor will he harbour his anger for ever;
He does not treat us as our sins deserves or repay us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;
As far as the East is from the West, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
As a father has compassion on his children, and the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;
For He knows how we are formed: He remembers we are only dust,
As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field;
The wind blows over it and it is gone and its place remembers it no more.
But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness is with their children's children-
With those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.