The Grand Deception

The end times, this is the most confusing period in the whole world. People in this days are so desperate for miracles, that they even follow what they don't understand and this is the very moment that the devil has been waiting for.

In fact the devil has never waited a day in his life but has always worked effortlessly creating a master plan to deceive every soul out there. And the Bible goes on and say in the last days many will come in my name and say I'm He and they'll perform signs and miracles and they will deceive many.
There's no such a thing like a mediator or a Queen of the Lord nor a Virgin marry assigned by God to bring salvation , this is just one of the greatest works of the devil, God sent his son(Jesus) to die for our sins after Jesus rose from death , God left us with the Holy Spirit to guide us.
Then this false peace and unity the world is been ushered to which is the primary objective here! this one world order, it might seem as a great thing but for whom? it not this a great way of having everyone under one structure and one Global church,one Government, just one everything... in that case everyone will be following one rule and this way it would easy for the devil to control everyone.

I believe the devil is a master of deception...and has plots in all structures and divisions just about every denomination.
He has gone through great lengths to establish a concrete foundation, his body has roots gone deep in the church that everything he says sounds like the truth, and the miracles are convincing because he hides everything with the name of Jesus and he has changed the Bible to accommodate his perspectives, but the Bible warns us of this spirit, it says if we find ourselves in such situations we must test the spirits with the Word to see if they're from God.

The books of Daniel and the Revelations warns us about the beast and its ways these Prophecies revealed everything that the devil wants us to ignore as in our days every invention comes with a better solution, a better technology ,and a promising future yes every person wants that but as much as we go for these things the more we think we capable of achieving everything even that of which is beyond human capabilities and by doing so we figure ourselves as super-naturals and we begin to think less of God.

The devils is pushing us to think that we don't need God because we are gods,and that message is preached across the world in many ways and platforms concealed in encouraging and powerful words and philosophies, entertainment and various things that looks as innocent as kids can be but with deep knowledge and revelation many of these things are found to carry opposite intentions and they seem to redecule the teachings of the Bible, the devil has claimed everything that breathes success and it has put stamps of its mark behind every entrapment.
Many saints have and are trying to enlighten the Children of God (the father in heaven) about these things and the ways of the Devil, they're so many different teachings and revelations of prophecies all speaking about the end days , and so relevant to what's happening now.
Soon everything in this world will be operating under one name as quickly as authority is given to the devil.

Dear saints !!
thank you for reading....may God bless you and open your eyes in this darkness of the world.


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