freely spoken wisdom
About the truth and freedom to share positive thoughts and expressing one's view and ideas, let's investigate...Where do we stand in the stream of time, do we have the fitness to witness ''This blog is motivated by the journey of Christianity and the world where this two roads diverge causing a conflict between good and evil" may God bless you as you read Amen!
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
freely spoken wisdom: The Grand De...
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Truth to know about life
"If we look at the state of the Church today , its a joke even if Christ can come down He wouldn't go to any of these many churches we have today, and they claim to be doing things in His name...but how can a church claim to follow Christ if they disobey God's commandments!!!
*things are not always as they seem.
*the truth will always set you free but away from this world to a place where only light lives.
*this world has no light but darkness.
*to have life is to be fully in Christ.
*to be wise is to have the wisdom of heaven.
*we as humans we have no life of our own but God gives life to us day by day.
*there's no peace in this world, but trials and tribulations(john 16:33, Matt 24:21)
*God love us so much that He literally came down from heaven, to show us how we should live as children of God, but the world chose to reject Christ.
*life is superior to death...death will be destroyed but life is eternal.
*Knowing the Truth is good, but accepting it and applying the Truth in the heart seems to be a problem for many.
*Lots of people do know the Truth, well not the whole Truth but some of it, but what do they do...sit on it or dilute it. Because the world has fed us too much lies to the point that we don't want the truth any more.
*The fact is, ...Truth is Light and when it gets inside someone's heart it shines the darkness and like a sword , a double edge cuts to the heart of the false unity in the church and set people on a journey as individuals seeking more of this Truth.
The fact is....the world will hate us for this Truth(Galatians 4:16)(2Corinthians13:8)(Psalms 15:2)
"I invite you to read and dwell in the book of Ecclesiastes "
•rather have less and be at peace, than to have more and be miserable.
•you can have all people around you and still be lonely...
•unholy ambitions have no place in the glory of God.
•true riches are of righteous character.
•you can't gain or save someone's life with fame or vain words of success but you'll only succeed in destroying their soul.
•stop living in vanity, waiting for your next smoke or drink, next party or big deal, your next moment of hyped-up fame to gain more followers and more recognition from the world, all this is vanity(king Solomon said in the book of Ecclesiastes) and it might look and feel good for a while but this will only lead you down a path of darkness, misery and fame leads to salvation but its a set-up for the devil to exploit and destroy your soul.
•if you choose Christ you choose Life, but if you choose sin you choose death.
*****************The Bible******************
"Take it to yourselves to seek a deeper understanding of Prophecies in the Bible especially the Book of Daniel and Revelations then look in the real history of the world , then you'll see that most Prophecies have came to pass especially if you look at the direction of the world now and the power shit and the church and state gorvenance"
*people if the Bible is wrong then why do the things in the Bible happen as they're written.
*why would someone who doesn't even care about God or His Word, go to extremes to change the message in this very book if its all a story and meaningless, unless of course its meaningful and True.
*if the Bible is making people uncomfortable to the point that they will dedicate their whole life destroying everything about the Bible and Christianity then this must be the Power that the Bible talks about in the book of Daniel 7 and Revelations 13 , this is the same power that was persecuting the Church in the Middle ages, the same power that has killed many Saints and tried to destroy the Bible ,until Martin Luther stood firm and confronted them with truth.
*this is the same Power that the Bible warns about, that it will come in the last days and sit in the Church as if it is God.
*this is the same power that speaks one thing and mean the other, adorned with scarlet and purple robes and all that makes them look like representatives of a church of God but yet their hearts and intentions are of the beast and they speak blasphemy like the dragon.
*this is the same power that has seized control of the Church and State, and they'll do everything within their power to crush Christianity and change every Word in the Bible yet they pose as a Church.
*this is the same power that calls for unity and peace and at the same time they support and run the companies that are destroying humanity.
*this is the same power that has its own bible and form of worship opposed to that of the Bible yet they call themselves christians.
***********THE CUNNING MIND************
*the devil is no fool when it comes to worship, in fact he is smarter than every human mind in this world, remember he once served near God in heaven, so he knows the Bible and the law of God, this puts him in a controlling seat to make people disobey God.
*the devil has taken the position of power in this world and he has been planting seeds of rebellion in the human minds in every way that he finds.
*the devil has captivated our thoughts, feelings, choices and appetite, unaware we're being led to a trap and eventually we're going to find ourselves with no choice but to submit to his authority.
*the devil has conspired with the people in higher level of health, security, education and economy through science and technology to lie and manipulate the world in every way they want to benefit wealth and every information to exploit every soul for greed and evil desires.
*the devil has made people to stick with the wrong things even though they know they're wrong, because the need of physical satisfaction gets stronger when one is away from God.
The more people attach themselves with the things of the world their hearts are taken away, by fancy lifestyles, entertainment, music, food, film and television with all this new age inspiration and spirituality the devil use to captivate people's minds, body and souls.
* this is a spiritual warfare.
****************THE CLIMAX***************
"The Egyptian & Babylonian lifestyle and paganism all brought back and some how found its way into the Church through the back door and now true Christianity find itself lost by trying to fit in with the emergent church of the world, which is exciting and booming with money, spiritualism , miracles, signs and wonders and their simple made bibles, styles and form of worship...mixing every religion under one God.
*we as the world are at the time of close probation that the other nations faced before God's wrath fell upon them, i mean look at the level of sin...we're back in Babylon, we leaving the Babylonian lifestyle, the diet, the idol worship, the wickedness, the rebellion and the denial of Christ.
*Now all religions have come to an agreement to unite under one Leader, of which they all believe they'll server a greater purpose, of which is to bring peace in this dying world, what does the Bible say about this...." If they say peace, peace.. know that trouble has come" when would we start applying the Bible as it is, than what men want the Word of God to say or mean...if we think we as men can change even a comma in the Bible, then we don't have the Spirit of Christ in us nor deserve to be in God's Kingdom.(Rev 22:18, 19)
*God created man in His own image... But that has changed, now men is creating god in his own image...We have different images of gods now, different ways to God now and different ways to pray. (1Timothy6:3-21) (1Timothy 4:1-2)such will come upon this world.
*************THE PROPHETIC**************
"The is the undeniable proof that the Word of God is the only justifiable truth that men can embrace and abide in because...His Word carries eternal life, it doesn't change with times and as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end.
*the prophetic is how God created this world, its how Jesus came, lived and died then resurrected from the grave and went to heaven, it was all prophecy and fulfillment. No other form of deity in all this big claim religions had a prophecy fulfilled, let alone a prophecy come to pass, but its God of Christians, the Almighty Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. The rest are just made up beliefs system based on men's philosophy and ideas and culture, those who deny The Book of Daniel and Revelations are not only denying prophecy but they deny God too!
*the new Jerusalem, the holy city of God... this is not a place on earth but a New place for everyone whose fitting to be a child of God, according to Christ's Judgement and the Word of God... This is in the Word (Revelations 21) these has been prophesied and the truth in plain sight for men to see, know and make a decision to save their souls.
Sin, death, pain, darkness, demons and their father Lucifer and his angels and his followers will all be thrown in the lake of fire and brimstone.
*God has prepared a place for us in heaven, a place where sin will be no more.
As we can see that this place is dying and doomed for destruction, as the Bible says (Revelation 19-20-21-22) the new Jerusalem will come down from heaven, it would be beautiful made with all the precious stones we know, healthy as Christ Himself, pure with the Love of God, no more darkness but the light of God will keep the City shinning.
Sin will be no more, no pain, no sickness, no stress, no worries, no lies no money power, no death no earthly things, God will give us eternal life.
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Life as we know it!!!
Let us therefore not allow the things that we don't have cause us to lose sight of the things that we do have.
Instead, let us discover, tap-into and unearth the treasure of potential that lies within each and everyone of us, and put it into good use! In so doing we set the stage for our own advancement in life.[xoli.Sereo]
Friday, 14 October 2016
Evolution hall of shame
Thursday, 13 October 2016
Education & the Education system
Education itself its not bad at all, just like science but within this faculties corrupt minds are in charge and they set up systems to benefit their cause rather than the intended purpose, and the overall goodness of mankind. for example its not education that makes people put money over love, or security over freedom but this comes from agenda based learning prepared by members of secret societies deployed across institutions and faculties.
The education we see today is nothing close to what was taught hundred years ago, through the generations there's been a consistent patten of dumbing down on education and we see the teachings of evolution theories being maintained through the years, even to this day, though it was proved to be a lie almost a century ago! "Its amazing to see how people have been made to believe and live a life of lies and see nothing wrong in it, but the one who ask questions is actually taken to be wrong and full of conspiracy"
The education system is a system that was carefully design to serve an evil purpose that will fulfill the wishes of the secret societies that maintains it and looking to benefit from everything on earth, and these groups of people will stop at nothing and they've gone as far as the food we eat, stuff we touch, what we wear and our mindset revolves around their ideas. And the things we learn everyday in our schools, its just a foundation that prepares us to embrace their new world order, and all this has been made to look positive, promising and a solution to the problems that the world face today.
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Baptism & child baptism
but the problem with all this kinds of Baptism is none is like how Jesus was Baptized, for Jesus went once under water and came up. Now the question is shouldn't we follow the Bible?
Baptism & child baptism
but the problem with all this kinds of Baptism, none is like how Jesus was Baptized, for Jesus went once under water and came up.